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Beyond Textbooks


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Quarter 1 Standards

  1. 5.R.RL.01: The Highly Proficient student can accurately quote strong textual evidence from the text to support and explicitly explain an inference.

  2. 5.R.RL.02: The Highly Proficient student can determine implicitly stated themes and summarize a story, drama, or poem using evidence from the text.

  3. 5.R.RL.03: The Highly Proficient student can analyze the similarities and differences of two or more characters, settings, or events in a story or drama, drawing on implicitly stated details in the text. 

  4. 5.R.RL.05: The Highly Proficient student can analyze and explain how different plot elements work together to build a story, drama, or poem. 

  5. 5.R.RL.06: The Highly Proficient student can analyze how a narrator’s point of view influences how complex events are developed.

Quarter 2 Standards

  1. 5.R.RI.02: The Highly Proficient student can analyze and summarize two or more main ideas of a text and explain how they are supported by key details. 

  2. 5.R.RI.05: The Highly Proficient student can compare and contrast, then analyze, the aspects of two or more texts using text structures (e.g. sequencing, cause/effect, and problem and solution, chronology, and comparison), graphic organizers, and text summaries.

  3. 5.R.RI.07: The Highly Proficient student can interpret information from multiple print or digital sources to answer complex questions or solve complex problems efficiently.

  4. 5.R.RL.04: The Highly Proficient student can analyze and interpret the meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases in a text, including figurative language.

  5. 5.R.RL.09: The Highly Proficient student can compare, contrast, analyze, and evaluate stories in the same genre on their approaches to similar themes and topics. 

Quarter 3 Standards

  1. 5.R.RF.03: The Highly Proficient student can apply word analysis skills in decoding multisyllabic words in and out of context.

  2. 5.R.RI.01: The Highly Proficient student can accurately quote strong textual evidence when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing complex inferences from the text.

  3. 5.R.RI.03: The Highly Proficient student can analyze complex cause and effect relationships and interactions between individuals, events, or ideas, providing evidence based on specific information in the text. 

  4. 5.R.RI.06: The Highly Proficient student can analyze multiple sources of the same event or topic, noting important similarities and differences in the point of view they represent, and evaluate the effectiveness of the accounts.

  5. 5.R.RI.08: The Highly Proficient student can evaluate the strengths of an author’s reasoning and explain how the reasons and evidence support their points. 

Quarter 4 Standards

  1. 5.R.RF.04: Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. a. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. b. Read grade-level prose and poetry orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. c. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

  2. 5.R.RL.07: Analyze how visual and multimedia elements contribute to the purpose, meaning, or tone of the text (e.g., graphic novel, multimedia presentation of fiction, folktale, myth, and poem).

Yearly Standards (taught throughout the school year)

  1. 5.R.RI.04: The Highly Proficient student can determine and analyze the meaning and effect of advanced grade level vocabulary words and phrases in a text. 

  2. 5.R.RI.09: The Highly Proficient student can integrate complex or inferred information from several texts on the same topic in order to write or speak about the topic using evidence from the text.

  3. 5.R.RI.10: By the end of the year, proficiently and independently read and comprehend informational text, including history/social studies, science and technological texts, in a text complexity range determined by qualitative and quantitative measures appropriate to grade 5.

  4. 5.R.RL.10: By the end of the year, proficiently and independently read and comprehend literature, including stories, dramas, and poetry, in a text complexity range determined by qualitative and quantitative measures appropriate to grade 5.


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