Quarter 1 Standards
6.M.NS.A.01: The Highly Proficient student can solve and model a problem in story context involving multistep division with fractions and mixed numbers.
6.M.NS.B.02: The Highly Proficient student can fluently divide multi-digit numbers using the standard algorithm.
6.M.NS.B.03: The Highly Proficient student can fluently add, subtract, multiply and divide multi-digit numbers including multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation and assesses the reasonableness of the result.
6.M.NS.B.04: The Highly Proficient student can interpret a context to construct an equivalent expression using the greatest common factor, least common multiple, and the distributive property.
6.M.RP.A.01: The Highly Proficient student can describe a ratio relationship and compare two quantities multiplicatively.
6.M.RP.A.02: The Highly Proficient student can find unit rates requiring multiple steps.
6.M.RP.A.03: The Highly Proficient student can create and apply ratio reasoning to solve real-world problems including those involving percent or conversion of measurement units.
Quarter 2 Standards
6.M.EE.A.01: The Highly Proficient student can write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents.
6.M.EE.A.02abc: The Highly Proficient student can identify parts of an expression, evaluate, and create algebraic expressions involving rational numbers for real-world context.
6.M.EE.A.03: The Highly Proficient student can use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving mathematical problems and problems in real-world context; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number or any number in a specified set.
6.M.EE.A.04: The Highly Proficient student can use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving mathematical problems and problems in real-world context; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number or any number in a specified set.
6.M.EE.B.05: The Highly Proficient student can solve an equation or inequality to choose or create a set of values that make the equation or inequality true.
6.M.EE.B.06: The Highly Proficient student can use variables to represent numbers and write expressions when solving a real-world or mathematical problem; understand that a variable can represent an unknown number, or, depending on the purpose at hand, any number in a specified set.
6.M.EE.B.07: The Highly Proficient student can create and solve a one-step equation to represent a real-world problem.
6.M.EE.B.08: The Highly Proficient student can create, solve, and graph inequalities to represent constraints in a real-world problem.
6.M.NS.C.05: The Highly Proficient student can identify and interpret rational numbers given problems in real-world context.
6.M.NS.C.06ac: The Highly Proficient student can understand a rational number as a point on the number line. Extend number line diagrams and coordinate axes familiar from previous grades to represent points on the line and in the plane with negative number coordinates. a. Recognize opposite signs of numbers as indicating locations on opposite sides of 0 on the number line; recognize that the opposite of the opposite of a number is the number itself and that 0 is its own opposite. c. Find and position integers and other rational numbers on a horizontal or vertical number line diagram; find and position pairs of integers and other rational numbers on a coordinate plane.
6.M.NS.C.07: The Highly Proficient student can solve problems in real-world context involving the coordinate plane and absolute values.
Quarter 3 Standards
6.M.EE.C.09: The Highly Proficient student can create a real-world context using dependent and independent variables by constructing a table, graph, or equation.
6.M.G.A.01: The Highly Proficient student can find the area of regular and irregular polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles or other shapes.
6.M.G.A.02: The Highly Proficient student can find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths using unit cubes and/or the traditional formula.
6.M.G.A.03: The Highly Proficient student can find a missing vertex of a polygon given other vertices.
6.M.G.A.04: The Highly Proficient student can solve real world problems by finding surface area for three dimensional figures using nets with fractional edges.
6.M.NS.C.06b: The Highly Proficient student can recognize in real-world problems that when two ordered pairs differ only by sign then the locations are related to reflections over one or both axes.
6.M.NS.C.08: The Highly Proficient student can use absolute value to find the distance between two points with the same first or second coordinate in real-world context.
Quarter 4 Standards
6.M.SP.A.01.02.03: The Highly Proficient student can create a statistical question given a context and develop a data set with a given measure of center, spread, and overall shape, and determine how additional data points impact these measures.
6.M.SP.B.04: The Highly Proficient student can interpret numerical data by creating a histogram, box plot, and/or dot plot.
6.M.SP.B.05: The Highly Proficient student can summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context by finding measures of center, variability, and overall patterns.