Social Studies
Quarter 1 Standards
6.SS.C2.01: I can analyze the beliefs, experiences, perspectives, and values that underlie points of view regarding civic issues in the time period and regions studied.
6.SS.C4.01: I can explain challenges and opportunities people and groups face when solving local, regional, and/or global problems.
6.SS.G1.01: I can use and construct maps, graphs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places and regions.
6.SS.G2.01: I can compare diverse ways people or groups of people have impacted, modified, or adapted to the environment of the Eastern Hemisphere.
6.SS.G3.01: I can analyze how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas.
6.SS.G3.02: I can analyze the influence of location, use of natural resources, catastrophic environmental events, and technological developments on human settlement and migration.
6.SS.G4.01: I can explain why environmental characteristics vary among different world regions.
6.SS.H1.01: I can compare the development and characteristics of historical cultures and civilizations from different global regions within designated time periods.
6.SS.H3.03: I can explain why communities, states, and nations have different motivations for their choices including individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.
6.SS.H4.01: I can describe how different group identities such as racial, ethnic, class, gender, regional, and immigrant/migration status emerged and contributed to societal and regional development, characteristics, and interactions over time.
Quarter 2 Standards
6.SS.C2.01: I can analyze the beliefs, experiences, perspectives, and values that underlie points of view regarding civic issues in the time period and regions studied.
6.SS.C4.01: I can explain challenges and opportunities people and groups face when solving local, regional, and/or global problems.
6.SS.C4.02: I can describe and apply civic virtues including deliberative processes that contribute to the common good and democratic principles in school, community, and government. Key concepts include but are not limited to civility, respect for the rights of others, individual responsibility, respect for law, open-mindedness, critical examination of issues, negotiation and compromise, civic-mindedness, compassion, patriotism, conciliation, and consensus-building.
6.SS.E1.01: I can analyze the relationship between education, income, and job opportunities within the context of the time period and region studied.
6.SS.E3.03: I can analyze the influence of specialization and trade within diverse cultures and communities in regions studied.
6.SS.E5.01: I can describe the factors that influence trade between countries or cultures.
6.SS.E5.02: I can explain the effects of increasing economic interdependence within distinct groups.
6.SS.G1.01: I can use and construct maps, graphs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places and regions.
6.SS.G2.01: I can compare diverse ways people or groups of people have impacted, modified, or adapted to the environment of the Eastern Hemisphere.
6.SS.G3.01: I can analyze how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas.
6.SS.G3.02: I can analyze the influence of location, use of natural resources, catastrophic environmental events, and technological developments on human settlement and migration.
6.SS.G4.02: I can describe how natural and human-made catastrophic events and economic activities in one place affect people living in nearby and distant places.
6.SS.H1.01: I can compare the development and characteristics of historical cultures and civilizations from different global regions within designated time periods.
6.SS.H1.02: I can explain the causes and effects of interactions between cultures and civilizations.
6.SS.H2.01: I can evaluate the causes and effects of conflict and resolution among different societies and cultures.
6.SS.H3.01: I can analyze the impact of religious, government, and civic groups (different factions within a society) over time
6.SS.H3.03: I can explain why communities, states, and nations have different motivations for their choices including individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.
6.SS.H4.01: I can describe how different group identities such as racial, ethnic, class, gender, regional, and immigrant/migration status emerged and contributed to societal and regional development, characteristics, and interactions over time.
Quarter 3 Standards
6.SS.C2.01: I can analyze the beliefs, experiences, perspectives, and values that underlie points of view regarding civic issues in the time period and regions studied.
6.SS.C4.01: I can explain challenges and opportunities people and groups face when solving local, regional, and/or global problems.
6.SS.E1.01: I can analyze the relationship between education, income, and job opportunities within the context of the time period and region studied.
6.SS.E1.02: I can give examples of financial risks that individuals and households face within the context of the time period and region studied.
6.SS.E3.02: I can explain the influence the factors of production have on the manufacture of goods and services within different cultures, regions, and communities.
6.SS.G1.01: I can use and construct maps, graphs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places and regions.
6.SS.G3.01: I can analyze how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas.
6.SS.G3.02: I can analyze the influence of location, use of natural resources, catastrophic environmental events, and technological developments on human settlement and migration.
6.SS.G4.02: I can describe how natural and human-made catastrophic events and economic activities in one place affect people living in nearby and distant places.
6.SS.H1.01: I can compare the development and characteristics of historical cultures and civilizations from different global regions within designated time periods.
6.SS.H1.02: I can explain the causes and effects of interactions between cultures and civilizations.
6.SS.H2.01: I can evaluate the causes and effects of conflict and resolution among different societies and cultures.
6.SS.H3.02: I can generate questions to examine the similarities and differences between major world religions and the role of religion in the formation of regions and their cultural, political, economic, and social identity.
6.SS.H3.03: I can explain why communities, states, and nations have different motivations for their choices including individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.
6.SS.H4.01: I can describe how different group identities such as racial, ethnic, class, gender, regional, and immigrant/migration status emerged and contributed to societal and regional development, characteristics, and interactions over time.
Quarter 4 Standards
6.SS.C2.01: I can analyze the beliefs, experiences, perspectives, and values that underlie points of view regarding civic issues in the time period and regions studied.
6.SS.C4.01: I can explain challenges and opportunities people and groups face when solving local, regional, and/or global problems.
6.SS.E1.01: I can analyze the relationship between education, income, and job opportunities within the context of the time period and region studied.
6.SS.E1.02: I can give examples of financial risks that individuals and households face within the context of the time period and region studied.
6.SS.E3.01: I can describe the relationship between various costs and benefits of economic production.
6.SS.E3.02: I can explain the influence the factors of production have on the manufacture of goods and services within different cultures, regions, and communities.
6.SS.G1.01: I can use and construct maps, graphs, and other representations to explain relationships between locations of places and regions.
6.SS.G3.01: I can analyze how cultural and environmental characteristics affect the distribution and movement of people, goods, and ideas.
6.SS.G4.02: I can describe how natural and human-made catastrophic events and economic activities in one place affect people living in nearby and distant places.
6.SS.H1.01: I can compare the development and characteristics of historical cultures and civilizations from different global regions within designated time periods.
6.SS.H2.01: I can evaluate the causes and effects of conflict and resolution among different societies and cultures.
6.SS.H3.03: I can explain why communities, states, and nations have different motivations for their choices including individual rights, freedoms, and responsibilities.
6.SS.H4.01: I can describe how different group identities such as racial, ethnic, class, gender, regional, and immigrant/migration status emerged and contributed to societal and regional development, characteristics, and interactions over time.