12th Grade
Quarter 1 Standards
12.L.04: I can identify meanings of unknown vocabulary words.
12.L.06: I can effectively use higher-level vocabulary appropriate to the topic and purpose.
12.W.01: I can write a valid and supported argument that supports a claim while influencing the reader to act or think in a particular way.
12.W.02: I can write informative/explanatory texts that convey complex ideas, concepts, and information clearly.
12.W.04: I can create a coherent, well-developed, and organized writing for various genres.
12.W.05: I can plan, revise, edit, and rewrite while focusing on what is necessary for the audience and purpose of a written work.
12.W.07: I can conduct short, and sustained, research projects that answer a self-generated question or solve a specific problem through the use of multiple sources.
12.W.08: I can gather and evaluate information from multiple sources, then correctly cite the information when integrating it into a research project.
12.W.09: I can use textual evidence to support analysis, reflection, and research of literary or informational texts.
Quarter 2 Standards
12.L.06: I can effectively use higher-level vocabulary appropriate to the topic and purpose.
12.W.01: I can write a valid and supported argument that supports a claim while influencing the reader to act or think in a particular way.
12.W.04: I can create a coherent, well-developed, and organized writing for various genres.
12.W.05: I can plan, revise, edit, and rewrite while focusing on what is necessary for the audience and purpose of a written work.
12.W.07: I can conduct short, and sustained, research projects that answer a self-generated question or solve a specific problem through the use of multiple sources.
12.W.08: I can gather and evaluate information from multiple sources, then correctly cite the information when integrating it into a research project.
12.W.09: I can use textual evidence to support analysis, reflection, and research of literary or informational texts.
Quarter 3 Standards
12.W.01: I can write a valid and supported argument that supports a claim while influencing the reader to act or think in a particular way.
12.W.04: I can create a coherent, well-developed, and organized writing for various genres.
12.W.05: I can plan, revise, edit, and rewrite while focusing on what is necessary for the audience and purpose of a written work.
12.W.07: I can conduct short, and sustained, research projects that answer a self-generated question or solve a specific problem through the use of multiple sources.
12.W.08: I can gather and evaluate information from multiple sources, then correctly cite the information when integrating it into a research project.
Quarter 4 Standards
12.L.03: I can understand the functions and construction of language, diction, and syntax.
12.L.05: I can understand, interpret, and analyze nuances in word meanings and usages.
12.W.03: I can write a narrative story, real or imagined, that uses effective techniques, details, and structure.
12.W.05: I can plan, revise, edit, and rewrite while focusing on what is necessary for the audience and purpose of a written work.
Yearly Standards (taught throughout the school year)
12.L.01: I can demonstrate command and control of the conventions of standard English language and use resources to correct when appropriate.
12.L.02: I can demonstrate command of conventions in my writing.
12.W.06: I can use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products in response to ongoing feedback, including new arguments or information.
12.W.10: I can write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of tasks, purposes, and audiences.