What are Common Formative Assessments?
Common Formative Assessments are administered in 1st - 12th grade as a way of assessing students' understanding of each essential standard. The assessments are available in Math and Reading. They are five questions each, the first three questions are multiple choice and the last two are open-ended.
Teachers typically administer the assessment at the end of teaching the standard, the assessment is scored and students are grouped based on their score. Typically, students who scored 5/5 or 4/5 are placed in an enrichment group the following week and students who score a 3/5 or below are placed in a reteach group the following week. This varies by school, so please talk with your child's teacher for more information.
Common Formative Assessments are not sent home, but many teachers use this as part of the student's final grade. Again, this varies by school, so please talk with your child's teacher for more information.
Samples of a 2nd grade Math Common Formative Assessment and 7th grade Reading Common Formative Assessment can be viewed below.