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Beyond Textbooks


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Quarter 1 Standards

  1. 1.M.G.A.01: The Highly Proficient student can create, describe, and compare additional attributes of polygons and justify their reasoning. 

  2. 1.M.G.A.02: The Highly Proficient student can compose two-dimensional shapes (rectangles, squares, trapezoids, triangles, half-circles, and quarter-circles) or three- dimensional shapes (cubes, right rectangular prisms, right circular cones, and right circular cylinders) to create a composite shape, and compose new shapes from the composite shape. (Students do not need to learn formal names such as “right rectangular prism.”)

  3. 1.M.NBT.A.01: The Highly Proficient student can identify, write and read whole numbers greater than 200. The Highly Proficient student can count forward beyond 200 and backwards from 200.

  4. 1.M.NBT.B.02The Highly Proficient student can describe a four-digit number using thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones.

  5. 1.M.NBT.B.03: The Highly Proficient student can compare two whole numbers greater than 200 and order three or more numbers greater than 200.

Quarter 2 Standards

  1. G1.1M.C2.PO3The Highly Proficient student can use fact families to add and subtract facts greater than 10-10

  2. 1.M.MD.A.01: The Highly Proficient student can order three objects by length and justify their reasoning. The Highly Proficient student can compare the length of two objects using a third object and justify their reasoning.

  3. 1.M.MD.A.02The Highly Proficient student can measure the length of an object using a shorter object and a standard measurement tool. 

  4. 1.M.G.A.03: The Highly Proficient student can divide additional shapes into two and four equal parts and describe each piece using the correct vocabulary (halves, quarters, half of, and quarter of). The Highly Proficient student can divide circles and rectangles into equal parts (3, 5, 6, etc.) and describe each piece using the correct vocabulary (thirds, fifths, sixth, third of, fifth of, sixth of, etc.). 

  5. 1.M.OA.B.03: The Highly Proficient student can use properties of operations as strategies to add and subtract beyond 20 and justify their reasoning. 

  6. 1.M.OA.B.04: The Highly Proficient student can understand subtraction as an unknown-addend problem beyond 20 and justify their reasoning.

  7. 1.M.OA.C.05: The Highly Proficient student can count on and count back to solve two-digit beyond 20 and three-digit addition or subtraction problems.

  8. 1.M.OA.D.08The Highly Proficient student can create and solve an equation with a missing number containing three or more digits and explain their steps.

Quarter 3 Standards

  1. 1.M.MD.B.03a: The Highly Proficient student can tell and write time to the nearest quarter hour using an analog and digital clock. 

  2. 1.M.MD.B.03b: The Highly Proficient student can count the total value of a collection of mixed coins greater than $1.00.

  3. 1.M.MD.C.04: The Highly Proficient student can create a survey with up to three categories, collect data, and graph the data using at least two different types of graphs (bar graph, pie chart, pictograph, line graph, tally chart, etc.). The Highly Proficient student can also create word problems with solutions for each of their graphs. 

  4. 1.M.NBT.C.05: The Highly Proficient student can mentally add or subtract by 100s using different starting points (100-900) and justify their reasoning.

  5. 1.M.OA.D.07: The Highly Proficient student can create their own multi-digit addition and subtraction equations and explain how to solve them in their own words.

Quarter 4 Standards

  1. 1.M.NBT.C.04: The Highly Proficient student can add a 3 digit number with another 3 digit number, with and without regrouping, using models, drawings, and strategies to justify their answer.

  2. 1.M.NBT.C.06The Highly Proficient student can subtract multiples of 100 using concrete models, drawings, and strategies to justify their answer. 

  3. 1.M.OA.A.01The Highly Proficient student can create their own word problem and solve it with an addition or subtraction equation beyond 20 and justify their solution. 

  4. 1.M.OA.A.02: The Highly Proficient student can solve addition word problems using three numbers beyond the sum of 20 with a symbol for the unknown number. 

  5. 1.M.OA.C.06: The Highly Proficient student can add and subtract with regrouping beyond 20.


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