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Beyond Textbooks


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Quarter 1 Standards

  1. 2.E1U1.4: I can observe and investigate how wind and water change the shape of the land resulting in a variety of landforms.

  2. 2.E1U1.5: I can develop and use models to represent that water can exist in different states and is found in oceans, glaciers, lakes, rivers, ponds, and the atmosphere. 

  3. 2.E1U2.6: I can analyze patterns in weather conditions of various regions of the world and design, test, and refine solutions to protect humans from severe weather conditions.

Quarter 2 Standards

  1. 2.E1U2.6: I can analyze patterns in weather conditions of various regions of the world and design, test, and refine solutions to protect humans from severe weather conditions. 

  2. 2.E1U3.7: I can construct an argument from evidence regarding positive and negative changes in water and land systems that impact humans and the environment.

  3. 2.E2U1.8: I can observe and explain the Sun’s position at different times during a twenty-four-hour period and changes in the apparent shape of the Moon from one night to another. 

Quarter 3 Standards

  1. 2.L2U1.9: I can obtain, analyze, and communicate evidence that organisms need a source of energy, air, water, and certain temperature conditions to survive. 

  2. 2.L2U1.10: I can develop a model representing how life on Earth depends on energy from the Sun and energy from other organisms.

Quarter 4 Standards

  1. 2.P1U1.1: I can plan and carry out an investigation to determine that matter has mass, takes up space, and is recognized by its observable properties; use the collected evidence to develop and support an explanation. 

  2. 2.P1U1.2: I can plan and carry out investigations to gather evidence to support an explanation on how heating or cooling can cause a phase change in matter.

  3. 2.P4U1.3: I can obtain, evaluate and communicate information about ways heat energy can cause change in objects or materials.


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