Social Studies
Quarter 1 Standards
2.SS.C2.01: I can describe the roles and responsibilities of people in authority within our country and world.
2.SS.C2.02: I can explain how all people, not just official leaders, play important roles in the world.
2.SS.C4.01: I can explain how people work together to identify and solve problems within our world.
2.SS.C4.02: I can explain how rules function in public settings.
2.SS.G1.01ab: I can recognize physical and human features on a map.
2.SS.G1.02: I can explain cultural and environmental characteristics of places using maps.
Quarter 2 Standards
2.SS.E1.02: I can describe reasons to save or spend money.
2.SS.E3.01: I can identify and describe goods and services that are produced and used around the world.
2.SS.G2.01: I can explain how weather, climate, and environmental characteristic affect people’s lives.
2.SS.G2.02: I can describe how human activities affect the communities and the environment of places or regions.
2.SS.G2.03: I can describe the positive and negative effects of using natural resources.
2.SS.G3.01: I can explain why and how people, goods, and ideas move from place to place.
2.SS.G4.01: I can identify different physical and cultural regions in the world.
Quarter 3 Standards
2.SS.E1.01: I can identify different occupations and skills needed in a global economy.
2.SS.E3.02: I can explain how people around the world earn income.
2.SS.E3.03: I can explain how people can be producers and consumers in a global economy.
2.SS.E4.01: I can describe public services that governments provide to help citizens.
2.SS.E5.01: I can recognize what natural and capital resources are and how they are produced and traded.
Quarter 4 Standards
2.SS.H1.02: I can compare/contrast how civilizations and/or cultures have changed over time.
2.SS.H1.03: I can examine developments from the civilization and/or culture in place or region studied.
2.SS.H3.01: I can ask and answer questions about the institutions and belief systems of different societies.
Yearly Standards (taught throughout the school year)
2.SS.H1.01: I can explain how individuals can make a difference in their country or in the world.