Quarter 1 Standards
3.E1U1.4: I can construct an explanation describing how the Sun is the primary source of energy impacting Earth systems.
3.P2U1.1: I can ask questions and investigate the relationship between light, objects, and the human eye.
3.P4U1.3: I can develop and use models to describe how light and sound waves transfer energy.
Quarter 2 Standards
3.P2U1.2: I can plan and carry out an investigation to explore how sound waves affect objects at varying distances.
3.P4U1.3: I can develop and use models to describe how light and sound waves transfer energy.
Quarter 3 Standards
3.L2U1.7: I can develop and use system models to describe the flow of energy from the Sun to and among living organisms.
3.L2U1.8: I can construct an argument from evidence that organisms are interdependent.
Quarter 4 Standards
3.L1U1.5: I can develop and use models to explain that plants and animals (including humans) have internal and external structures that serve various functions that aid in growth, survival, behavior, and reproduction.
3.L2U1.6: I can plan and carry out investigations to demonstrate ways plants and animals react to stimuli.