Quarter 1 Standards
HS.SS.C1.02: I can determine how civic virtue and democratic principles are laid out in founding documents.
HS.SS.C1.04: I can compare and contrast the changes in civil rights and civil liberties in America over time. (Democratic Principles & Constitutional Rights)
HS.SS.C2.01: I can explain why it is important to fulfill my responsibilities as a citizen. (Linkage)
HS.SS.C2.02: I can compare citizen involvement in the US political system and two other political systems throughout a period of time.
HS.SS.C2.03: I will critique the changes over time of rights and civic ideals as laid out in historical document, laws, executive order, and court rulings. (Historical Documents)
HS.SS.C3.01: I can determine how the separation of powers and checks and balances were established by the Constitution and have evolved over time.
HS.SS.C3.02: I can compare and contrast the different levels of government, including national, state, local, and tribal governments with other systems of government.
HS.SS.C3.03: I can analyze how political parties, interest groups, elections, and the media influence government. (Linkage)
HS.SS.C4.02: I can critique the effectiveness of government policy in terms of intended and unintended consequences.
HS.SS.C4.06: I can evaluate ways to address problems at the local, regional, and global level through self-reflection, planning, and reasoning. (Linkage)
HS.SS.G1.01: I can use maps and geographic information to analyze the relationships between places.
Quarter 2 Standards
HS.SS.C1.03: I will mimic the processes used in government or civic groups to make decisions that impact society. (Legislative Branch)
HS.SS.C3.01: I can determine how the separation of powers and checks and balances were established by the Constitution and have evolved over time.
HS.SS.C3.02: I can compare and contrast the different levels of government, including national, state, local, and tribal governments with other systems of government. (Function & Structure - Legislative Branch)
HS.SS.C4.02: I can critique the effectiveness of government policy in terms of intended and unintended consequences. (Executive Branch)
HS.SS.C4.03: I can explain how elections are held at different levels of government. (Legislative Branch)
HS.SS.C4.04a: I can analyze the purpose, process, and outcomes of the legislative branch. (Legislative Branch)
HS.SS.C4.05: I can evaluate ways to address problems at the local, regional, and global level in multiple contexts as they are addressed over time and place.
HS.SS.G1.01: I can use maps and geographic information to analyze the relationships between places.
Quarter 3 Standards
HS.SS.C2.03: I will critique the changes over time of rights and civic ideals as laid out in historical document, laws, executive order, and court rulings. (Executive Branch Actions)
HS.SS.C3.01: I can determine how the separation of powers and checks and balances were established by the Constitution and have evolved over time.
HS.SS.C3.02: I can compare and contrast the different levels of government, including national, state, local, and tribal governments with other systems of government. (Function & Structure - Executive Branch)
HS.SS.C3.04: I can analyze the impact of constitutions, laws, treaties, charters, and agreements on foreign policy. (Executive Branch)
HS.SS.C4.02: I can critique the effectiveness of government policy in terms of intended and unintended consequences. (Judicial Branch)
HS.SS.C4.03: I can explain how elections are held at different levels of government. (Executive Branch)
HS.SS.C4.04b: I can analyze the purpose, process, and outcomes of the executive branch. (Executive Branch)
HS.SS.C4.04c: I can analyze the purpose, process, and outcomes of the judicial branch. (Judicial Branch)
HS.SS.C4.05: I can evaluate ways to address problems at the local, regional, and global level in multiple contexts as they are addressed over time and place.
HS.SS.C4.06: I can evaluate ways to address problems at the local, regional, and global level through self-reflection, planning, and reasoning. (Linkage)
HS.SS.G1.01: I can use maps and geographic information to analyze the relationships between places.
Quarter 4 Standards
HS.SS.C1.04: I can compare and contrast the changes in civil rights and civil liberties in America over time. (Constitutional Rights & Human Rights, Civil Rights)
HS.SS.C2.01: I can explain why it is important to fulfill my responsibilities as a citizen. (Individual Participation)
HS.SS.C3.02: I can compare and contrast the different levels of government, including national, state, local, and tribal governments with other systems of government. (Analyze the Origins - Local)
HS.SS.C4.02: I can critique the effectiveness of government policy in terms of intended and unintended consequences. (Local)
HS.SS.C4.05: I can evaluate ways to address problems at the local, regional, and global level in multiple contexts as they are addressed over time and place.
HS.SS.G1.01: I can use maps and geographic information to analyze the relationships between places.
Yearly Standards (taught throughout the school Year)
HS.SS.C1.01: Explain the significance of civic virtues to a well-functioning constitutional republic.
HS.SS.C2.04: Analyze the responsibilities of citizens.
HS.SS.C2.05: Compare the rights guaranteed in Arizona Constitution to those in the United States Constitution.
HS.SS.C2.06: Evaluate the contributions of individuals and groups, including Arizonans, who have played a role in promoting civic and democratic principles.
HS.SS.C4.01: Evaluate multiple procedures for making governmental decisions in all three branches and at the local, state, tribal, national, and international levels in terms of the civic purpose achieved.
HS.SS.C4.07: Apply a range of deliberative and democratic strategies and procedures to make decisions in the classroom, school, and out-of-school civic contexts.