World History
Quarter 1 Standards
HS.SS.H1.01: I can explain the process of state-building and expansion in Western and Non-Western regions in the 1400s and 1600s.
HS.SS.H1.03a: I can evaluate the consequences that resulted from civilizational and cultural interactions along trade routes between 1400-1600.
HS.SS.H1.03bc: I can evaluate the causes, consequences and the shifting of trade routes that resulted from civilizational and cultural interactions resulting from European exploration and the Columbian Exchange 1450-1800.
HS.SS.H3.04a: I can evaluate how the shift from absolute monarchies to more representative governments balanced individual freedoms, responsibilities, and human dignity.
HS.SS.H1.05: I can explain how religions and belief systems such as; Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, Confucianism, Christianity, and Islam have affected the origins of societies.
Quarter 2 Standards
HS.SS.H1.02: I can explain the process of state-building and expansion in the Western and Non-Western regions between the 1700s and 1900s.
HS.SS.H1.07abc: I can analyze the causes and effects of the Industrial Revolution.
HS.SS.H1.07d: I can analyze the political and economic effects of the Industrial Revolution.
HS.SS.H2.04ab: I can compare the causes and consequences of isolationism and globalism as European and American countries imperialized and colonized less developed nations.
HS.SS.H3.04b: I can compare how the French, American, and Latin American Revolutions influenced each other and represented a shift from absolute monarchies to more representative governments.
HS.SS.H4.02abc: I can explain how the ideas of the Renaissance, Scientific Revolution, and Enlightenment developed and then shaped societies and institutions.
HS.2SS.C4.02: I can explain the effects the Reformation had on society and religion.
Quarter 3 Standards
HS.SS.H2.01a: I can analyze and explain the causes of WWI.
HS.SS.H2.01b: I can analyze and explain the causes of the Russian Revolution.
HS.2SS.C8.03: I can explain how WWI ended and the effect it had on the world.
HS.2SS.C8.04: I can connect the results of WWI to the rise of fascism and WWII.
HS.2SS.C8.05b: I can understand the importance of military strategies during WWII.
HS.2SS.C8.05cd: I can examine the treatment of civilian populations during WWII and the Holocaust.
Quarter 4 Standards
HS.SS.G3.05: I can evaluate how social, political, and economic decisions cause conflict such as terrorism.
HS.SS.H3.02: I can analyze the way China (21st Century) has changed due to the influence of the transformation of ideology, religion, and belief systems.
HS.SS.H3.04c: I can compare how states interact in a global world, utilize or contract technology and information, and protect or abuse human rights in the 21st century.
HS.2SS.C8.07: I can identify the political, economic, and cultural effects of the Cold War. I can explain the effects of the Korean War and the Vietnam War.
HS.2SS.C9.01: I can explain why the Soviet Union fell and how it effected other countries.
Yearly Standards (taught throughout the school year)
HS.SS.G1.02: I can use various technologies to construct geographic data and explain patterns and relationships.
HS.SS.G2.01: I can analyze effects of overpopulation and environmental disaster, etc., on human populations in the 21st century.
HS.SS.G3.04: I can evaluate the consequences of disasters on trade, politics, and migration.
HS.SS.H2.02: I can analyze approaches to conflict within and between states and the implemented solutions.
HS.SS.H3.01: I can analyze how governments develop institutions and organizations in response to societal needs and changes.